Old Dog…New Tricks

For many years I designed and maintained my own website. This year, however, my hosting company decided that I was going to be paying double what I had paid for the past 20 years. Being the good Scotsman I am, I started researching alternatives because I was going to have none of that! So I found another hosting company with a good price. The only caveat was that I would no longer be doing all my site design through an external program and up loading the site via FTP. This new deal required that I learn (queue dramatic music) WordPress. The first day (and night), and the next day (and night) was absolute hell. I was choosing themes and mashing buttons and making a complete and confusing mess of everything. I’m sure you are wondering if I read any of the tutorials. Nope. Not a one! Okay, I did start to read one, but nothing they were saying was clicking in my brain. I gave up the reading and went back to the button mashing. Finally, a great light shown from the heavens! I did a complete reset of WordPress and went back to the beginning. I had developed enough intuitive knowledge from 2 days of making a complete mess that I was now breezing through the whole setup process. I still have to try and fail to test things out, but I am getting there. The end result…my site is starting to look like something that is better than I ever would have imagined!

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